Tiger Kloof Educational Institution
For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ - 1 Corinthians 3:11
Portion 5 Waterloo Farm Vryburg District VRYBURG 8601 | PO Box 441 VRYBURG 8600 SOUTH AFRICA | +27 53 928 7000 | Email: info@tigerkloof.org
Portion 5 Waterloo Farm Vryburg District VRYBURG 8601 | PO Box 441 VRYBURG 8600 SOUTH AFRICA | +27 53 928 7000 | FAX +27 53 928 7033 | DIRECTOR KG Du Toit | Email: dutoitkg@tigerkloof.org
Bookings and Reservations
Please select the option from the ones below. You will be re-directed to the selected page to complete a tentative booking. Please note that bookings made here are not confirmed. The designated person that deals with what you are looking for will reply as soon as possible with a quote. Any deposits or money to be paid needs to be done as soon as possible to confirm your booking. Please email leoncferris@tigerkloof.org for more information.
Information in connection with each of these options can be found on the page you select.