Tiger Kloof Educational Institution
For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ - 1 Corinthians 3:11
Portion 5 Waterloo Farm Vryburg District VRYBURG 8601 | PO Box 441 VRYBURG 8600 SOUTH AFRICA | +27 53 928 7000 | Email: info@tigerkloof.org

To create new paths in learning, doing and serving
To provide educational opportunities for the previously disadvantaged communities in the region. (This does not imply exclusivity)
To foster in our learners:
A religious discipline and adherence to Christian values
A commitment to serve society
An awareness of the environment
The need to be productive, responsible, accountable and enterprising
To create opportunities for learners to learn and to live out the values of the IDEALS as expressed by the association of Round Square schools, of which Tiger Kloof is a Global Member:
International understanding and involvement
Democracy and democratic practice
Environmental awareness, appreciation, activities and action
Leadership (servant leadership)
Service (to each other and the community)
The ethos of Tiger Kloof Educational Institution and that of Tiger Kloof Combined School, is one and the same. The ethos embraces the following aspects of the purpose of the Not for Profit Company, Tiger Kloof Educational Institution, as expressed in the Memorandum of Incorporation:
To admit learners irrespective of class, nationality or faith
To promote a high degree of intellectual, technical, vocational, spiritual and physical development in its learners
To encourage the development of personal qualities of tolerance, compassion, humility, initiative, self-discipline, and moral and intellectual integrity
To foster the ideals of social responsibility and a lasting commitment to service, both by encouraging understanding of international, national and community issues, and by involving learners in practical acts of service to the community
To have a religious discipline and daily practice which will be conducted according to the Christian ethos. Attendance of religious assemblies will not be obligatory for those who are not Christian.
The Institution is governed by a Board of Directors. The appointed CEO of the Institution is the Director.
The Institution is managed by the Institution Management Team under the direction of the Director.
The Heads of the various sectors of the Institution report through the Director to the Board.
The relationship between the Institution and the Department of Education is governed by an agreement between the MEC for Education, North West Province, and the Board of Directors (signed May 2000).
The Tiger Kloof Educational Institution, a Not for Profit Company, is the owner of the immovable property on which Tiger Kloof (High and Primary) School is situated
The school is a public school with the aim of being a centre of excellence, with a clear set of moral and behavioural values
Tiger Kloof Educational Institution grew out of the resolve of past Tiger Kloof students to re-open Tiger Kloof. It grew as a result of the generosity of its funders. This agreement must endorse and preserve the commitment made to Tiger Kloof by its funders and the commitment made in the partnership it represents between Tiger Kloof Institution, the School, and the North West Province
The relationship between the Institution and the School Governing Body is governed by the agreement between the Board of the Institution and the Governing Body of the School. It constitutes part of the Agreement between the Board and the MEC.
The MEC of the North West Province and Tiger Kloof Educational Institution have entered into an agreement pursuant to Section 14 (1) and the spirit of Section 57 of the South African Schools Act, whereby the school is established ... as a public school, with a history and a clear mission statement, on private property
The school is a public school with the aim of being a centre of excellence with a clear set of moral and behavioural values as contained in the Mission Statement
The school was established in 1995 by the Owner (the Board) and functions under the auspices of the Board of Tiger Kloof Educational Institution
The Owner and the SGB are committed to working as partners to ensure, in particular, that the historical link of Tiger Kloof with the UCCSA is respected and honoured in its observance, and further, that the school will be open to persons of any faith
The owner and the SGB are committed to working as partners to honour the trust and faith placed in them by Tiger Kloof's funders
The SGB, in recommending educators for appointment by the North West Department of Education, shall take seriously into account a candidate's compatibility with and willingness to promote the ethos of the school. Furthermore, the SGB must ensure that the Owner is included in all stages of the process for recommending educators for appointment
The SGB, in performing its statutory functions, is responsible for preserving the ethos of the school
Tiger Kloof Combined School, which is one of the sectors of the institution operations, is governed by the School Governing Body and is managed by the School Management Team, under the direction of the Principal, an appointee of the Department of Education. The Principal reports through the School Governing Body to the Department of Education, and through the Director to the Board. The Chair of the SGB and the Principal are ex officio members of the Board. The Chair of the Board and the Director are ex officio members of the School Governing Body. The Principal is a member of the Institution Management Team, and the director of TKEI is a member of the School Management Team. A Governance Charter has been established to clarify roles and responsibilities and to ensure co-operative governance.
TKEI - CURRENT BOARD MEMEBERS : Shirley Moulder (Chairperson), Lesego Serolong, Albert Kekesi, Mauritz de Kock, Itumeleng Pudule, Leheng Maselo and Thabang Mohumapele.